
Our intent is to provide Physical Education students with the opportunity to:

Know More (Knowing What):

  • To gain knowledge of the rules, strategies  and tactics needed for participation in a range of physical activities.
  • To understand what makes a performance effective and know how to apply these principles to their own and others work.
  • To make positive informed choices around their health, well-being and diet. Understand how to exercise safely.

Show More (Knowing How):

  • To learn and master skills in a broad range of physical activities; covering invasion, racket, striking and fielding, aesthetics and athletics. Access  to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Attend extra-curricular sporting clubs and competitions and have an opportunity to represent their school and community at both elite and recreational level.

Grow More (Develop personal characteristics):

  • To become competent, confident and resilient students.
  • Develop their leadership qualities and skills through sport.



Our vision for all St Peter’s pupils is to leave school equipped with the knowledge, skills, understanding, and confidence to continue to positively engage in sport and physical activity throughout their life.


Miss A Jackson

Head of Department

Mrs K Unsworth

Head of Girls' PE

Mr M Seddon

Head of Boys' PE

Mr N Ashton

Mr C Pollitt

Mr P Santus

Ms C Slater

Mr D Rourke

Year 7


  • Pupils will understand what makes a performance effective and start to provide feedback on their own and others' work.
  • Pupils will identify basic rules, strategies and tactics in a variety of activities.
  • Students will begin to understand the importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle.


  • Students will develop a range of techniques from a variety of activities.
  • Pupils will develop fitness levels, demonstrate 3 parts of a warm-up and identify what is meant by well-being (Assessed by test)


  • Pupils will begin to identify leadership roles and apply them in small groups.
  • Pupils will be given a range of opportunities to develop their confidence and will identify outcomes which demonstrate this.
  • Students will develop their understanding of teamwork.

Year 8


  • Pupils will begin to evaluate performance in more competitive situations and suggest ways to overcome opponents and improve outcomes
  • Pupils will begin to develop knowledge of rules in some activities and apply them in small games.
  • Pupils will look at different components of fitness that will help to improve performance
  • They will begin to understand how the body responds to LT exercise and its impact on well-being.


  • Pupils will begin to adapt and apply skills in a range of activities.
  • Pupils will develop tactics and strategies and begin to use them in competitive situations.


  • Pupils will develop communication skills when working as a team.
  • Students will identify methods to develop resilience in a variety of situations Students will develop their leadership skills and apply them in specific situations.

Year 9


  • Pupils will develop a good knowledge of rules in some activities and apply them in competitive situations.
  • Pupils will accurately analyse performance and will make effective decisions to try and improve it.


  • Pupils will begin to demonstrate the ability to select and transfer skills across a range of activities.
  • Pupils will become more competent using techniques, tactics and strategies within competitive  situations
  • Pupils will look at different training methods to improve fitness and the impact they have on performance and well-being.


  • Pupils will experience a variety of roles within a team and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses Students will evaluate their resilience across activities.
  • Students will be provided with opportunities to apply their leadership skills  with larger groups in competitive situations

Curriculum Maps

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Core PE

  • In Year 10 Pupils have the option to choose a pathway of their choice. The pathways still include activities covered in KS3 plus those they haven’t studied before.
  • In Year 11 pupils experience new activities such as self defence, exercise classes and visits to a local fitness suite at St John Rigby College. This is to compliment the other sports and activities that they cover and pre- pare them to further develop personal fitness and promote an active an healthy lifestyle.

We offer 3 option courses GCSE Physical Education, Cambridge National in Sports Science and Cambridge National in Sports Studies.


2 x 1-hour Theory Exams worth 60 %

Paper 1: Applied anatomy and physiology & Physical training.

Paper 2: Sociocultural Influence, Sports Psychology, Health, fitness and wellbeing.

Practical Performance is 40%

Practical activity assessment x 3 Sports (1 Individual, 1 Team and 1 either individual or team): 30%

Analysing and Evaluating Performance (AEP): 10%

GCSE Results 2022:

2022 - 9-7: 63%

2022 - 9-4: 95%

Cambridge National Sports Science:

Pupils will study 3 Units:

First 2 units are mandatory

  1. R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions: Written paper, OCR set and marked: 1 hour 15 mins (EXAM)
  2. R181: Applying the principles of training: fitness and how it affects skill performance: Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated (COURSEWORK)
  3. R183: Nutrition and sports performance: Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated (COURSEWORK)

Exam is worth 40% and coursework is 30% each (60%)

Cambridge National Sports Studies:

Pupils will study 3 Units:

First 2 units are mandatory

  1. R184: Contemporary issues in sport: Written paper, OCR set and marked: 1 hour 15 mins (EXAM)
  2. R185: Performance and Leadership in Sports Activities: Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated (COURSEWORK)
  3. R187: Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities: Centre-assessed tasks, OCR moderated (COURSEWORK)

Exam is worth 40% and coursework is 30% each (60%)

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St Peter's PE department is highly successful in extra-curricular activities and year on year have consistently achieved the highest levels. A wide of range of sporting opportunities are open to all pupils in the school and a large number of teams participate in matches against other schools. Teams are entered for local, regional and national competitions/ tournaments in Rugby League, Football, Netball, Hockey, Cross Country, Athletics, Girls Football, Girl Rugby, Rounders, Basketball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Cricket, Dance and Trampolining.

The PE department also hosts an annual Sports Day, Primary Mini Olympics and we run a Sports Tour to Holland and a whole school Ski trip to the USA.


GCSE PE allows pupils to continue to study the subject at A-level or BTEC. It could lead to careers in personal training, apprenticeships in sport and medical disciplines such as physiotherapy.

Updated: Mar 2023